
Hitachi Energy’s HVDC technology to power Marinus Link, a key step toward Australia’s


Hitachi Energy’s HVDC technology to power Marinus Link, a key step toward Australia’s

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Mediaportalada, An Australia-first using advanced HVDC technology to stabilize an increasingly

renewable grid — A transmission project of national significance to play a key role

in Australia’s energy transition to power 1.5 million homes — Hitachi Energy’s two-

way power transmission technology will unlock Tasmania’s world-class wind and hydro

storage resources to deliver affordable and reliable clean energy for Australians

Melbourne, Australia / Zurich, Switzerland, May 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Hitachi

Energy has been selected by Marinus Link Pty Ltd (MLPL) to supply a high-voltage

direct current (HVDC) project of national significance, which will augment the

connection between mainland Australia and Tasmania’s grid.

The approximately 345-kilometer cable route HVDC system will enable the flow of

renewable power in both directions between the Victorian and Tasmanian states.

For the first time in Australia, Marinus Link will use advanced converter technology

at both ends of the link to stabilize and integrate more and more renewables into the

power grid.

The connection will enable the Tasmanian state to import excess supply of solar and

wind produced in Victoria, while reserving its hydro and storing the extra energy.

Clean hydropower can then feed the mainland grid when it is needed most, acting as a

large battery for the nation. Moreover, it strengthens the security of supply in the

Australian power grid in which electricity is increasingly generated from sustainable


Hitachi Energy will supply its HVDC Light® voltage source converter (VSC) stations in

the first stage of the project, which will convert alternating current (AC) to direct

current (DC) for efficient, long-distance transmission and DC to AC, where the

electricity is returned to the grid.

“As Australia is rapidly transforming its grid to support the integration of more

clean energy sources, we are proud of our HVDC technology that will help transmit

large amounts of electricity with higher stability and lower electrical losses,” said

Niklas Persson, Managing Director at Hitachi Energy’s Grid Integration business.

“Interconnectors like Marinus Link give customers access to affordable, on-demand

renewable energy supply and increase storage capabilities.”

Upon completion of both project stages, Marinus Link will have a total capacity of

1,500 megawatts (MW), equal to the power needed for 1.5 million Australian homes. In

line with Australia’s Net Zero ambitions, as coal-fueled generation is retired, this

link will result in saving up to 140 million tons of CO2 equivalent emissions by 2050,

equal to taking approximately 1 million cars off the road.1

Australia has committed to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2050 and reducing

greenhouse gas emissions by 43 percent below 2005 levels by 2030. The lowest-cost

pathway for secure and reliable electricity is from renewable energy, connected by

efficient transmission systems, supported by storage and pumped hydro.

Marinus Link is a project of national significance that will play a fundamental role

in the two states’ energy ecosystem in which power infrastructure requires a major

overhaul to satisfy the growing electrical demands and guarantee a constant and

reliable power flow through Australia’s transition to renewable energy

“Today, we have taken another firm step towards project execution. With our essential

HVDC systems secured, Marinus Link is poised for delivery by the end of the decade.

Marinus Link is a cornerstone project of the Australian Government’s Rewiring the

Nation Plan and is classified as urgent in the Australian Energy Market Operator’s

national energy plan,” said Caroline Wykamp, CEO of Marinus Link Pty Ltd. “The

Australian, Tasmanian and Victorian governments recently entered an historic agreement

for joint ownership of Marinus Link, securing it as a critical transmission project

for Australia.”

Hitachi Energy pioneered commercial HVDC technology 70 years ago and has delivered

more than half of the world’s HVDC projects. Today, the company has the largest

installed base of HVDC in the world.